Welcome to Nawaya’s
Ancient Future
Incubation Station

Placemaking for
resilient culture

Support a People-of-Color-led
& cooperatively owned
village making initiative.


We are a growing community of social artists
of the diaspora, setting up headquarters
on the edge of Cherokee, NC.

Our Mission

Nawaya aims to flip the script of conventional real estate development, which contributes to large scale pollution, deforestation, and perpetuates sprawl and harmful housing market cycles.

We are moved to create food-secure communities, which are inclusive, pragmatic, and culturally-relevant for generations to come, by integrating business, art, whole-systems designs, environmental stewardship, and regenerative models.

We are in fundraising stages for a larger Nawaya Village, but are currently thrilled to be landing on 10 acres just outside of Cherokee, for our headquarters. This is where our team will co-work, homestead, create, and incubate a handful of our wider Village offerings, including a Food, Art, and Culture Oasis.

  • Nawaya VILLAGE is the larger vision we are working toward: A Whole-systems, Mixed-Use, Regenerative Planned Community in Western North Carolina.

    Our whole-systems, mixed-use approach weaves together home, work, play, and wilderness to co-exist in one, thriving village.

  • It takes a village to make a village

    Nawaya Village will be an intergenerational, multi-cultural community empowering residents with affordable home ownership and access to daily-life essentials, so that we may self-actualize and thrive for generations to come.

  • The purpose of Nawaya Village is to hold a container for cultural reemergence and healing;

    for generations of land stewardship in right relations, in honor of the wisdom of the natural way, and synthesizing with resilience into uncharted future.

Contribute to our solution-based efforts to empower ourselves to meet today’s challenges while living vibrantly, with care for each other and our Earth.

Located in Tsalaguwetiyi
(Cherokee, East)

We are a social artist team committed to creative and pragmatic strategies which actualize thriving, sustainable, socially-just, and ecologically-responsible communities. We partner with others to develop regenerative pathways for racial equity, food sovereignty, and community economics. We deeply value cooperative systems, values-led strategies, and proactive care for Ecology.

We come with respect and gratitude to this land and the original people who have and do reside here.

It is our responsibility and honor to work for reconciliation, and to reframe our relationship with indigenous lands and communities here in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Food Sovereignty
Culinary Mushroom Cultivation
Forest Gardens &
Market Pop Ups

Workshops + Trainings
Indigenous Ecology
Cob Oven & Home Building

Events + Experiences
Ancient Future Micro Fests
Community Gatherings

While we are not taking membership applications at this time, please feel free to send us a personal message
if you feel really called!

Right now, the way to best support us is by donating, or solidarity collaborations.

“I spend a lot of my time exploring intentional communities as a way of both becoming better stewards of our planet and eliminating poverty. I see in my travels that there are almost no ecovillages / intentional communities in the US or Europe with meaningful populations of BIPOC residents.

When I met the Nawaya family, I saw this was about to change and decided to join the team. For the ecological movement to be real, it has to be ethnically and culturally inclusive, and that is the central aim of Nawaya.”

— Darryl Finkton Jr., member and partner of Nawaya

We welcome you to contact us whether you are interested in this project as a partner, impact investor, member, or advocate.

Follow us on IG @nawayavillage

PO Box 16653 Asheville, NC 28816

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